Bonus Chapter strips start publishing every single week starting Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024! These are extended scenes, bonus story plot lines, and missing chapters — just for ’93 Bonus Members or higher! Each of these chapters build off the main episode that’s publishing right now at

Free Bonus Chapter: Johnson & Nads’ Couch Talk

Read the FREE Bonus Chapter just by subscribing to The ’93 Weekly! Start reading it here now!

Johnson and Nads need to raise money it they’re going to go to Woodstock ’94 next year and so Johnson hits on the perfect new business: they’ll create an MTV Real World documentary show about Nads and him. What could go possibly wrong? Get access to this Special Bonus Chapter ’93 Weekly Short by subscribing to The ’93 Weekly

Once you sign up for The ’93 Weekly you’ll get access to all the strips from this Couch Talk series. Plus, by subscribing to The ’93 Weekly you’ll get the past week’s ’93 strips automatically delivered to you every Sunday! It’s a win-win! Sign up today!

Bonus Chapter 1: Scott & The Mysterious Phone Call

Read Bonus Chapter 1! Starts publishing on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024!

We’ll reveal more about this chapter as launch date approaches.

Become a 93 Bonus Member or higher today so you don’t miss the complete ’93 story!

Bonus Chapter 2: Scott Phones Home For Help

Read Bonus Chapter 2! Starts publishing on Tuesday, August 13th, 2024!

We’ll reveal more about this chapter as launch date approaches.

Don’t miss this exciting and massive bonus chapter by becoming a ’93 Bonus Member or higher today!

Free Bonus Chapter: Beatnik Turtle Backstage At Johnson’s

Read the FREE Bonus Chapter! Starts publishing Monday, May 6th, 2024!

We’ll reveal more about this chapter as launch date approaches.

Don’t miss this exciting and massive bonus chapter by becoming a ’93 Bonus Member or higher today!

Bonus Chapter 1 , 2, & 3

Yep, there are Bonus Chapters for Episode 2 already!

Become a ’93 Bonus Member or higher now so you don’t miss grandfathering yourself into getting access to these exciting chapters!