What?! You clicked on this page? Seriously? There’s a ton of other things to see and do here, but no, you had to insist on coming here, of all places.

Well, since you’re here, you might as well pull up a chair and start reading!

Just know that at Beatnik Turtle, just like with our sister comic at 93Comic.com, we specialize in picking out only the best Terms & Conditions available! So, rest assured, your time with us at BeatnikTurtle.com is safely governed by only the highest-quality and finest legalese money can buy.

Of course, if any of the below is confusing, just ask your lawyer. Or better yet, go ask someone else’s lawyer–that way you don’t have to pay for it.

TL;DR: Below is the legalese that governs BeatnikTurle.com which you agree to–just by being here! Neat how that happens, eh? Basically, what it says is when you visit either BeatnikTurtle.com or 93Comic.com you’re on your own and we’re not responsible for anything bad that happens. Oh, and everything here is owned and copyrighted by Beatnik Turtle and/or 93Studios and not you, so you need to ask for permission if you want to use it. Huh. That’s not a bad summary if I say so myself.

THIS AGREEMENT is made between you, the viewer (hereinafter “you” and/or “yeah, I’m talking to you”) and Beatnik Turtle which manages BeatnikTurtle.com.


  • The Continuing Adventures of Beatnik Turtle is a comic about a geek rock band of slackers trying to get signed to a record label;
  • Beatnik Turtle owns and manages a web site located at BeatnikTurtle.com. which is accessible by the internet, a vast computer network created by Beatnik Turtle for the purposes of making some comics that they made available to whole bunch of other people with computers and mobile devices;
  • Beatnik Turtle has certain content it made available publicly on the said web site in the form of a bunch of zeros and ones, but more commonly rendered on the web as images, text, music, video, voice recordings, etc.;
  • You are either: (1) a comics or webcomics fan, and/or (2) a geek rock music fan, and/or (3) someone with a lot of time on your hands, or most likely, (4) a mix of some or all of points one through three;
  • You wish to be entertained for free and demand your money’s worth;

THEREFORE, in (lack of) consideration (by most of you), you and Beatnik Turtle agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions outlined below.

Now that you’re here, please read this Agreement carefully before accessing or using BeatnikTurtle.com (“Website”). By accessing or using any part of the site, you agree to become bound by the Terms & Conditions in this Agreement. If you don’t agree to all the terms and conditions, then you may not access the site or use any services offered and should click away. You may ask, “How is that possible?” And the answer is, just do what you do with other click through agreements. 

Beatnik Turtle grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to view the Content and like it, but not to claim it as your own (and really, why would you?). Nor can you use it for commercial purposes (ahem, we’re using it for commercial purposes and don’t want to compete against you). Nor can you do anything else with it that’s in violation of US and international Copyright Law. Otherwise, we’ll have to sic Interpol on your @#$%, and no one wants that…again.

All original images, artwork, characters, stories, text, photos, music, videos, etc. (collectively known as “Content”) are created, copyrighted, and owned by Beatnik Turtle and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws with All Rights Reserved.

Section # 3 withstanding, all Content is intended for the personal use and dare we say, enjoyment, of users of the website. While you may interact with or download a single copy of any portion of the Content for your personal, non-commercial entertainment, information or use, you may not reproduce, sell, publish, distribute, modify, display, repost, share, or otherwise use any portion of the Content in any other way or for any other purpose without the written consent of Beatnik Turtle. Of course, you can always personally share links to the web site and specific comics and help promote it. That’s how the Web works. Requests for using the Content for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use should be directed to the following email address: webmaster@BeatnikTurtle.com.

By using this web site, you acknowledge that the Content includes certain trademarks and service marks owned by Beatnik Turtle. You agree not to copy, use or otherwise infringe upon these trademarks, copyrights, or services. You further agree that you will not alter or remove any trademark, copyright, or other notice from any copies of the Content, cuz that’s just rude, man.

If you submit anything to Beatnik Turtle, BeatnikTurtle.com, The ’93 Comment Line, or via email, etc. — whether it’s feedback comments, images, pictures, respect and admiration, or your first born zipped and attached in .ppt or .pdf format, you agree you give Beatnik Turtle a worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, modify, adapt, transform, twist, bunch up, copy, expand upon, publish, blah, blah, blah, in any way, shape, or form that Beatnik Turtle feels necessary–even if it simply means printing whatever it was out that you sent and taping it to the shower wall (don’t ask). In return, Beatnik Turtle doesn’t have to do anything to reciprocate, but is hereby giving you an advanced thank you and, if we could, a hug. Cuz that’s just the kind of people we are.

You agree to indemnify Beatnik Turtle and it hold harmless for any damages to you, hurt feelings, and other weird stuff, since, come on, we’re just a webcomic site and really can’t do anything bad to you, dude.

Man, we don’t warrant anything here. Come on, this is a webcomic site. This whole site is provided “as is” and we disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, whatever that is, fitness for a particular purpose and even non-infringement. We’ll even throw in a disclaimer that this site is error free or that access thereto will be continuous or uninterrupted. And don’t even get us started on disclaiming the so-called comedy, either. We also limit all liability related to any of our services, products, and other stuff. Plus, you gotta understand that you’re visiting this website at your own discretion and risk–so don’t blame us when you get carpal tunnel.

You represent and warrant that your use of BeatnikTurtle.com will be in strict accordance with this Agreement and with all applicable laws and regulations (including without limitation any local laws or regulations in your country, state, city, or other governmental area, regarding online conduct and acceptable content, and including all applicable laws regarding the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside). It’s the least you could do for us, since you know, our services revolve around the highly risky and volatile industry that is webcomics.

Beatnik Turtle reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any part of this Agreement at any time. And you know what? We don’t have to really say anything about it. In fact, we’re gonna make it your responsibility to check this Agreement periodically for changes. How about that? Your continued use of or access to the web site following the posting of any changes to this Agreement will automagically constitute acceptance of those changes. Of course, Beatnik Turtle may, in the future, offer new services and/or features through the web site if it ever gets its act together. Such new features and/or services shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

But like, the privacy policy is only referenced here. You need to go here instead–that way it can stay private.

This Agreement: (i) is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Illinois (What, not Iowa? Hell no, we know better!), without regard to its choice of law provisions, which is true no matter what, especially if the state or country you’re from is one where pants are optional.; (ii) represents the parties’ entire understanding of the agreement and supersedes any prior agreements or discussions, written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement; (iii) may be modified only by written amendment signed by Beatnik Turtle; (iv) is to be considered severable, and if any provisions of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable, the unaffected provisions will remain in effect; (v) contains headings for reference only; these headings have no effect on any provisions’ meaning because, like c’mon, this section is called “The Kitchen Sink”, how nuts is that?); (vi) is non-assignable, and (vii) shall not be construed in such a way that a waiver on any one occasion shall be a bar or waiver on any rights or remedies of future occasions.

THEREFORE, both parties agree to these Terms & Conditions even if you don’t read them. You know, just like how we already established above that you blindly clickthrough all other Terms & Conditions you’ve ever seen in your life without reading them.

If you have any questions, please contact your lawyer. C’mon, they all can’t be bad.